Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Night art and plants appreciation photography

     The weather was fair last night that it brought me to the idea of taking picture of the things around the house that seems to be not appreciated by people when the dark arises (my mom was yelling at me the whole time, she doesn't like me going out of the house because I had a fever**hard-headed**)

     With the use of my low resolution camera phone and a small flashlight, I sneak out to start another crazy idea (why do I call every thing crazy?)

     I started with at my father's workshop. Nothing seems worth taking with my frames aside from this old furnishing machine. It looks creepy when I stroked the light in it. My father's workshop looks creepy at night and I love staying there waiting for a goose bumping experience. Also, I found this antique pan hanging at the back of the workshop. They say it was hanging there for almost 23 years. I dare not to cook with this pan.(Gee! It's a way older than me. How was it hangin'?)
did I saw this on the SAW film?
Dare to cook with this antique pan?
    Then, I proceed to my small garden (I call it 'The side yard'). This is the first time I visited my yard during nighttime. The plants seem so different at night.
Orchid glows in the dark

ferns looks beautiful too

pandan leaves

Wild plant on the wall

red tea plant
just right angle and proper lighting

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